To understand ways to lead and manage teams effectively
By the end of this course you will be able to:
- Recognise the responsibilities of Team Leaders
- Understand ways to support teams
- Be aware of relevant legislation that may impact leadership
- Understand the roles of a Team Leader
- Know how to give effective supervisions and appraisals
- Be aware of ways to work effectively as a team
- Understand how to communicate effectively
- Recognise key skills for listening t team members
- Know how to effectively hand over information
Roles and Responsibilities
- The Role of a Team Leader
- Responsibilities
- Supporting Your Team
- Skills Required to Be A Team Leader
Communicating Effectively
- Set Reasonable Expectations.
- Delegate Responsibilities.
- Reward Accomplishments.
- Confront Conflict
- Find Solutions to Problems
- Be Resilient
- Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults / Mental Capacity Act
- Health and Safety
- Data Protection
- The Care Act 2014
Willingness to Listen
- Listening
- Signs of Active Listening
- Strategies for Sharing Constructive Feedback
- Accepting Negative Feedback
The Role of a Team Leader
- Supervising Your Team
- Role of The Supervisor/Team Leader
- Get to Know Your Team
- Ensure Your Team Are Competent
- Accountability
- What Is A Handover?
- Responsibility for Handover
- Designated Time for Handovers
- Recording Handover Information
Supervisions and Appraisals
- What Is A Supervision?
- Why Is A Supervision Important?
- The Benefits of Effective Supervisions
- Formal Supervisions
- The Functions of a Supervision
- Who Can Provide Supervisions
Team Effectiveness
- Seven Tips for Successful Teamwork
- Having A Shared Understanding of Goals and Tasks
Course Information
- Link for training will be emailed 48 hours prior to the course
- No refunds will be given for non-attendance
- Delegates to login 15 minutes before the start of the course to register
- Mics must be working
- Camera’s must be on at all times
- If cameras and mics not working admission will be denied with no refund
- Must be in a suitable place to undertake training
- A quiz will be done at the end of the session
- All knowledge gaps will be filled
- Pen and Paper are required for taking notes