To understand the meaning of Person-Centred Care and how this is evidenced in care plans
By the end of this course you will:
- Understand the importance of Person-Centred Care
- Understand that our values and beliefs can affect Person-Centred Care
- Recognise what Person-Centred Care looks like in Action
- Be aware that some approaches to care are not Person-Centred
- Be aware that providing care can cause distress
- Recognise the purpose of a care plan
- Identify the personal information needed for the care of a resident
- Be aware of the important information that must be easily accessible
- Understand that a Person’s needs will change over time
- Know the importance of keeping clear and accurate records
Values in Health and Social Care
- What is Person-Centred Care?
- Values
- The 6 C’s
- Person-Centred Principles in Action
Person-Centred vs Institutional Care
- Person-Centred vs Institutional Care
- Institutional Language
- Scheduled Regimes
- Examples of Institutional Care
Factors That May Cause Distress
- Environmental Factors
- Moving or Touching a Person
Person-Centred Care Planning
- What is a Care Plan?
- Who is Involved in Care Planning?
- Where to Source Information
- Critical Information
- The Changing Needs of the Person
- Advanced Care Planning
- Key Principles for Record Keeping
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