To gain an understanding of how to support those who are displaying behaviours of concern and know how to use holds and breakaways safely
By the end of this course you will:
- Be aware of the risks to staff and the impact factors to the company
- Recognise the key legislation
- Be aware of common elderly conditions that could influence behaviour that challenges
- Understand how to provide positive behaviour support
- Know how to document and report behaviours of concern and incidents
- Know the techniques to safely breakaway if needed
- Understand what your own responsibilities are and those of the home
- Mental Capacity Act (MCA)
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
- Mental Health Act (Amended) (MHA)
- Health & Safety at Work Act
- Equality Act
Care Planning
- Understand effective Care Plans
- Acting on Care Plans
- Documentation and Reporting of Incidents
Elderly Mental Health Illnesses
- Mental Health in the Elderly
- Triggers
- Common Mental Health Conditions
- Insomnia
- Suicide and End of LIfe
- Dementia
Breakaway Techniques
- Hand Grabs
- Wrist Grab
- Hair Pulls
- Safe Assisted Walking
Positive Behaviour Support
- What is Behaviour of Concern?
- Types of Behaviours of Concern
- Triggers of Behaviour of Concern
- Identifying an Unmet Need
- Scenarios
- De-Escalating
- Re-Direction
- Communication
- The Needs Hierarchy Process
Roles and Responsibilities
- Roles and Responsibilities of a Carer
- The Roles and Responsibilities of a Manager