To be able to care for adults at risk, keeping them safe from abuse, and gain a greater understanding of the processes and procedures involved when a safeguarding concern is raised
By the end of this course, you will:
- Recognise who is potentially at risk
- Know how to respond to safeguarding alerts
- Be able to report concerns about suspected / alleged abuse
- Understand the issues surrounding misdiagnosis in safeguarding
- Know how to plan an adult protection investigation
- Know ways to sensitively discuss safeguarding concerns with adults and their families
- Understand how to record information appropriate for safeguarding and legal processes
- Know how to undertake a risk assessment and understand the thresholds for action
- Be aware of the need for forensic evidence and scene preservation
- Understand Multi-Agency Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults policies and procedures
- Understand your role and responsibilities as part of a Multi-Agency team
- Understand the requirements relating to information sharing
- Be able to advise others on appropriate information sharing
- Know the role of Adult Safeguarding Boards
- Be able to contribute to Case Conferences, Reviews and Audits
- Recognise the need for regular documented reviews of team safeguarding practice
- Apply the lessons learnt from audit and case reviews to improve practice
- Be able to provide effective leadership to make safeguarding integral to care
Safeguarding Alerts
- Responding to a Safeguarding Alert
- Reporting Concerns
- Misdiagnosis
Evidence Preservation
- Importance of Forensic Preservation
- Preserving the Scene
Adult Protection Investigations
- What is an Investigation?
- How to Plan an Investigation
- What Must We Do to Safeguard Adults at Risk?
- Person centred Care Approach
- The Six Safeguarding Key Principles
Risk Assessment
- Hazards and Risks
- Generic Safeguarding Risk Assessment Procedures
- Discussing Safeguarding Concerns
- Recording Information
Good Practice
- What is Good Safeguarding Practice?
- Team Reviews and Lessons Learned
- Effective Leadership
Multi-Agency Teams
- What is a Multi-Agency Team?
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Information Sharing
- Safeguarding Adults Boards
- Case Conferences
- Reviews and Audits