To be able to provide effective mental health first aid for those undergoing trauma, and those with mental health disorders
By the end of this course, you will:
- Know what to do in the event of someone Self-Harming
- Recognise the warning signs of Suicide Attempt
- Know what to do if you find someone attempting Suicide
- Understand how to support those with Depression
- Understand how to support those with Anxiety
- Recognise the symptoms of Acute Psychosis
- Know what to do in the event of Acute Psychosis
- Understand what is meant by `Traumatic Event`
- Know how to provide Mental Health First Aid for those experiencing Traumatic Events
- Know how to support those with Eating Disorders
- Know how to support those with Schizophrenia
- Know how to support those with Bipolar Disorder
- Be aware of the different types of Personality Disorders
- Understand how Alcohol and Drugs can impact Mental Health
Day One
About Mental Health
- History of Mental Health
- What is Mental Health?
- Why Don't People Talk About Mental Health?
- The Negative Effects of Mental Health
- Men and Mental Health
- Facts and Statistics
- Appropriate Language
Types of Mental Illness
- Common types of Mental Health Conditions
- Depression
- Supporting People with Depression
- Bipolar Disorder
- Addiction
- Eating Disorders
- Anxiety Disorder
- First Aid for an Anxiety Attack
- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
- Personality Disorders
- Mental Capacity Act (MCA)
- Adults with Incapacity (AWI) Act
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
- Mental Health Act (MHA)
- Health & Safety at Work Act
- Equality Act
Psychosis and Schizophrenia
- What is Psychosis
- Causes of Psychosis
- Diagnosis of Psychosis
- What is Schizophrenia
- Diagnosis of Schizophrenia
- First Aid
What Causes Mental Health Conditions
- Causes
- Genetic Factors
- Physical Factors
- Psychological Factors
- Social and Environmental Factors
Day Two
Elderly Mental Illness
- Mental Health in the Elderly
- Triggers
- Common Mental Health Conditions
- Insomnia
- Suicide and End of Life
Alcohol and Drugs
- The Effects of Alcohol & Drugs on Mental Health
- Cannabis
- Alcohol
- New Psychoactive Substances
- Amphetamines
- Tranquilizera
- Cocaine
- Ectasy
- Heroin
- Self-Harm
- Why People Self-Harm
- What to do if you Suspect Someone is Self-Harming
- What to do if you Discover Someone Self-Harming
- How to Help a Person Engaging in Non-Suicidal Self-Harm
- Why People Take Their Own Lives
- Warning Signs
- How to Help
- Urgent Situations
- Seeking Professional Help
- If the Person has Already Harmed themselves
- Looking after Yourself
Crisis First Aid after a Traumatic Event
- Traumatic Events
- First Priorities
- After a Mass Traumatic Event
- Talking to the Traumatised
- Talking about the Event
- Ongoing Support
- Professional Help
Roles and Responsibilities
- Roles and Responsibilities of a Carer
- The Roles and Responsibilities of a Manager
- Mental Health First Aid
- Signpost to Useful Organisations
- Remember....