To be understand the importance of Postural Care for those living with Complex Disability
By the end of this course you will:
- Explore the reasons why people living with Complex Disability have difficulties with balance and movement
- Know the principles of building stable posture in sitting and lying
- Recognise posture in complex physical disabilities and the risk factors associated
- Understand the meaning of posture and recognise the 5 areas of the spine
- Understand how muscle tone and deformities affect posture
- Know how to safely use Postural and positioning equipment
- Be aware of techniques used with client’s displaying behaviour of concern or lack of capacity
- Know how to gently move people into desired positions
Learning Disability
- What is a Learning Disability?
- Causes of Learning Disability
- Physical Characteristics
Postural Care
- What is Posture?
- What is Postural Care?
- Benefits of good Postural Care
- Consequences of Poor Posture
- Development and Posture
Muscles, Nerves and Bones
- The Spine
- Muscle Tone
- Deformities
- Respiration
Postural Equipment
- Wheelchairs
- Orthotics
- Night Supports
- Seating
- Positioning Equipment
Safer Moving and Handling Techniques
- From a Bed
- From a chair/Wheelchair
- From the Floor
Behaviour of Concern
- What is Behaviour of Concern?
- Lack of Capacity
- Strategies for Dealing with Behaviour of Concern