To be able to champion Infection Control practices, policies, and procedures in Care Home settings
By the end of this course, you will:
- Be aware of the legislation related to Infection Control
- Understand the Roles and Responsibilities within Infection Control
- Know how to create and audit Standard Infection Control Procedures
- Know how to deal with an infection outbreak
- Be able to promote good hand hygiene
- Understand what a pathogen is
- Know how pathogens are spread
- Understand the Chain of Infection
- Know some common infections, how they are spread, symptoms and treatments
- Be able to implement and audit the Code of Practice
- Know how to promote good practice
- Develop leadership skills to be an effective Champion
- Know how to undertake supervisions and appraisals
- Recognise effective techniques for teaching practical skills
- Utilise effective feedback techniques
- Health and Safety at Work Act
- Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
- Health and Safety (Sharp Instruments in Healthcare) Regulations
- Food Hygiene (England) Regulations
- Food Safety Act
- Food Standards Act
- Inspections
- Corporate Manslaughter Act
- Due Diligence
- What are SCIPS?
- Patient Placement / ~Assessment for Infection Risk
- Hand Hygiene
- Respiratory and Cough Hygiene
- Safe Management of Care Equipment
- Safe Management of Care Environment
- Safe Management of Linen
- Safe Management of Blood and Bodily Fluid Spillages
- Safe Disposal of Waste (including Sharps)
- Occupational Safety: Prevention and Exposure Management (including Sharps)
Roles and Responsibilities
- Employer Responsibilities
- Your Responsibilities
- Infection Control Leaders
- Audits
- Teaching Skills
- Constructive Feedback
- What are Pathogens?
- What is a host?
- How Pathogens Spread
- Types of Pathogens
- Chain of Infection
Common Infections in Care
- C.Diff
- Norovirus
- Coronavirus
- Sepsis
- Statistics
Good Practice
Infection Control
- An Outbreak
- Controlling the Infection
- Admitting New Residents
- Deep Cleans
- Good Hand Hygiene Habits
Leadership Skills
- Skills required to be a Leader
- Facts and Statistics
- Resilience
Appraisals and Supervisions
- Appraisals and Supervisions
- Planning for Supervisions and Appraisals
- Who can provide Supervisions and Appraisals
Teaching a Skill
- Task Analysis
- Teaching Practical Skills
Code of Practice
- The 10 Criterion
- Visitors
- Social Distancing
- Admission
- Coronavirus Testing
- Use of Space
- Training
- IPC Policy
- Additional Questions